Mumbai: As an actor, Arbaaz Khan has never really made it to the top. But the actor is immensely lucky when it comes to family. Be it big brother Salman Khan or wife Malaika Arora Khan, Arbaaz is constantly showered with praises from his near ones. In 2010, his stint as a producer won him many awards for ‘Dabangg’. And the director of ‘Dabangg’, Abhinav Kashyap, was sent packing following the success of the movie. The coveted director’s hat for the sequel of ‘Dabangg’ is now on the head of Arbaaz.
‘Dabangg 2’, which is currently in the production stage, has already created a furore in the people, with its smoking hot item numbers and tapori jargon. And added to that is the acting of Salman Khan. What else could viewers have asked for in a masala movie!
And as far as Salman is concerned, he is only too happy with the work his younger brother is pulling off. On the sets of ‘Dabangg 2’, the brother duo share a brilliant rapport, and Salman is all praises for his brother’s hard work.
Speaking to the media, Salman was recently heard saying: “Arbaaz is working at blitzkrieg speed, and I am very happy looking at his hard work. He has the knack of holding the intriguing tale; he has the ‘pakad’ (hold) for a film like ‘Dabangg 2’. So far, whatever portion we have shot is good. It is looking very catchy and attractive; the film has shaped very well. Arbaaz has definitely done justice.”
And with that, Salman has made the wait for ‘Dabangg 2’ all spicier. His fans, we’re sure, are dying to watch Chulbul Pandey back in action!
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